Case Study: Blue Diamond Awards [in progress]


The Blue Diamond awards are a special honor given to members of the Charlotte community exemplifying leadership in various technology fields and contributions. While a student at Tech Talent South I was approached and asked to lend my UX and Visual Design skills in redesigning and updating the presentation website. I am delighted to be assisting and have some great ideas. While this is a work in progress I feel the current pieces show how much my design skills across the board have improved. In learning more of back-end development I find working with my with greater efficiency is more possible.

Concept 1 : I wanted to incorporate the Hornets colors into the design, with possible alternating colors. This concept however I felt in the end would not flow in the responsive design as we wished. This is where I went back to the drawing board.

Concept 2: This is the newly accepted concept that I felt would be easier to incorporate into code. For the category views I used a scheme of Desktop: 4, Landscape Tablet: 3, Portrait Tablet: 2, Landscape Mobile: 2, and Portrait Mobile: 1. From there I made a quick render of the tablet forms.

Check back soon for updates! As this project is a work-in-progress I keep updates active. This is an exciting project to collaborate with rising talent and current great-minded devlelopers in the Charlotte area.