Design Statement
As a designer I use fit, form, function, and context to improve the relationship of the user/customer/client and the company/provide manufacturer through product.
I contribute to product design with my greatest strengths in visual and interactive design. I collaborate with research, content strategy, and development to bring life to a full team–to be a strong team member.
I empathize like Bones to feel what is right for my users and have their best needs in mind. I analyze like Spock to analyze logically and with facts and data. I want to lead like Kirk by mixing both mindsets to make the best decisions without regret.
About Me
My best bud Hammond and I. He rides shotgun with me nearly everywhere in the city.
Meeting Sir Patrick Stewart in 2014. He complimented my hair when we met.
I think of myself as a unique designer in that I have an uncanny abiliy to see new solutions in many different fields that greatly differ – Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Printing, Digital Media production, Interactive Design, and Web Design are just a few forefronts for which my work extends. In addition the technological talents and knowledge of networking, A+, hardware solutions, software development, and web interactively are some of the additional skill sets added to the work environment experiences.
As a new California resident to the great city of San Francisco I am doing my best to not only experience a new coast but also branch out for new opportunities, friendships, and amazing new places to cycle and explore.
Free Time
When not involved in work or design I immerse myself in following men’s fashion blogs/magazines, reading news and science articles, crafting cork board material into decorative 8-bit designs, or playing a game. Costuming has been a recent hobby addition that has grown to prop making and cosplaying. Of course at the root of it all a relaxing game of Borderlands, Diablo, WoW, or Mario with the family never ceases to provide enjoyment.
I hope I left a great first and lasting impression. My work experience and extra skill sets all strive for greater potential. This extra push in my work and experience could add great team dynamics that can add a great deal of polish to many areas. I hope you find my creative works a joy and inspire you as well. I am very enthusiastic in pushing myself, my team, and beyond on these fronts and beyond.
In case you'd ever want to talk for hours, just ask me about any of these fun things!